About Me

I am an experienced Microsoft 365 and SharePoint leader with over a decade of technical experience before moving into service delivery, management and leadership. I work at Avanade, as the Europe Workplace Value Realisation Offering Lead, working with colleagues, customers and partners to help organisations maximise the value of their investments in workplace technology. I’m incredibly passionate about improving the experience that employees have, using technology as an enabler, and I’m interested in what the future of work has in store for all of us.

I’m a Microsoft MVP for M365 Apps and Services, and I love sharing my passion for technology and the future of work and have presented at several community / technology events over the last few years. Keep an eye out for upcoming sessions – I’ve presented sessions on Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva, the Power Platform, the Art of the Possible with Microsoft 365, running live events and accessibility in M365.

In my previous role, I was a founding member of the Agilisys Women Empowerment steering committee, working to set positive female role models for girls in technology and striving to further the diversity and inclusion agenda for all minorities, not just for women in tech. It is so important to have visible female role models working within IT to show young women at the start of their career just how rewarding a tech career can be. I feel really strongly that we do a terrible job of marketing tech careers to girls leaving school and want to be part of the solution. Now at Avanade, I’m a member of the Women’s Employee Network, and part of the communications board, supporting internal events to spotlight great women within our organisation.

Another passion of mine is accessibility – every single one of us has so much potential to contribute and modern technology can empower everyone to be included, regardless of their circumstances. I am always happy to talk about the huge range of out of the box accessibility features included by Microsoft as standard, and can help you understand how your organisations can make the most use of these standard features and functionality.

I’ll be using this blog to share lots of different types of content – including my view on technical features and the Microsoft product roadmap, musings on the future of work and employee experience, and I’ll also be looking to spotlight some fellow Microsoft community members over the coming months too!

2022 was the year of the Viva Explorers, and I was one of the early members – the avatar below is my Viva persona, which is the Viva Dreamer. I believe that Microsoft Viva has the power to transform the employee experience, and when talking to colleagues and clients, I dream big – focusing on the vision, the long term strategy and the art of the possible.

The Viva Explorers are all Microsoft MVPs / Regional Directors, and we work closely together to share learnings, help each other keep up to date and work through information from Microsoft on the product roadmap to help understand what it means for organisations and customers out in the real world. Check out the Viva Explorers website using the link below to find out more about us and who we are:


An image showing my Viva Explorers persona of the Viva Dreamer